Monday 13 July 2015



This assignment is all about solid and void. We were given certain shapes & forms and materials to form a model that have solid & void in it. The main reason for this assignment is to let us recognize how intrinsic forms, limitations and boundaries of a material become factors in design process. It's also want us to understand and able to express the material we use in it's contextual application.

I've chosen one solid type material, one semi-solid and one transparent material for my model. This assignment is similar to actual construction project because the material we choose have to related to it's own characteristic that apply in actual building. balsa wood, glass and wire mesh is my material. I've learn that solid and void is important in every single building because void is a place that is for people to interact. Glass represent the void that provide a spatial visual effect and also able the light to pass through. Relation between each material is also important in actual building. Different material have it's own characteristic that able to connect to the other material.

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